We had a great time this year with the kids. Both kids were really excited. We started off with a Halloween Carnival on Wednesday which Kaleb just couldn't stop sneaking onto the train ride. We couldn't find him one time and when we did he was sitting on the train next to someone sneaking in a free ride. McKensie just wanted to run all over the place. I brought my camera but of course I was busy just chasing the kids that I forgot to take any pictures.
On Saturday we all got up and went to breakfast at Bill Johnson's in celebration of Nate's birthday. Once done with breakfast and full of energy we headed over to my sister Heather's for some pumpkin carving. McKensie was having a blast just sticking different things inside the carved pumpkins. She didn't want to get down from the table.
Kaleb of course can't really stay put for longer than a minute so he was all over the place. Him and his cousin Elli were nice enough to sit still for a minute so we could take their picture with each of their pumpkins.
As we were cleaning up we were setting all the finished pumpkins down and the kids just wanted to play with them all. Kaleb kept calling them balls and I thought for sure he was going to throw them.
Once done with the pumpkin carving we ended up going to home for a break and to give the kids a good nap before a long night of trick or treating. The kids were super excited to get into their costumes. Once I put McKensie in her costume it was like she became a whole different person.
McKensie was so excited that she walked the entire time almost running house to house to talk to people and to get candy. She would say hi to everyone and would say thank you. She even talked to a few people. For those of you who know McKensie she does not do well with people she does not see on a daily basis. It always takes her at least an hour to warm up to anyone. She doesn't even like strangers to look at her. Yes, I know she is a brat but a very cute brat!
Kaleb on the other hand it was like pulling teeth to get him out of the wagon to go up to the house to trick or treat. He didn't want to walk and just wanted someone to get him candy so that he could sit in the wagon and eat it all! Lazy, Lazy, Lazy! Of course we made him get out if he wanted candy because we weren't going to get it for him. We all had a blast and the kids were very tired by the end of the night. Kaleb counln't wait to get out of his costume but McKensie probably could have slept in her costume. There was one time during the night that her hat fell off and she freaked out until we put the hat back on. She kept saying look at my costume. She was really proud of her gnoam costume. Everyone really liked the costumes but they kept calling them munchkins! I guess they could have been either or but I do say they were cute costumes!