Friday, February 27, 2009

Kaleb's Field Trip To The Zoo With His School Class!!

I got the privilege to go with Kaleb on his first field trip for school. We went to the Phoenix Zoo. All the kids had a blast. The kids liked the giraffes since they were eating when we got there.

They were especially excited to see the otters swimming and that they had a little window for the kids to look through since they are all about 3 years old and are too short to see over the wall.

Of course Kaleb found a tree that he could look through and try and climb out of. He was having fun and wanted to run everywhere.

Finally, the kids got to ride the carosel and of course this was just the highlight of the day. They were all so tired and a nice break to ride the carosel was just what they all needed.

Here is a picture of most of the kids that when with us. We were missing about 3 kids in this picture. It was really hard trying to get a picture at the end of the day. Obviously we should have took the picture at the beginning before the kids were tired.
We had a really good time and it was fun to spend the day with him and to be their on his first adventure at school.

1 comment:

Iveta said...

Sooo soooo cute! We can only go to slide on ice! I think the Zoos here are still closed :-) I am so jealous of the warm weather! I am sure you had a blast at the zoo trip! Love, Iveta and boys